Such a fun English (2)    | 2006¡¤03¡¤16 03:18 | HIT : 37,019 | VOTE : 1,749 |
(Presentation : Susan Fouts

push your limit (ex) push your drawing abilities to the limit.
bullet point (ex) how to write bullet points.
It(constructive criticism) is softened by positve feedback.
noticeable : ´«Ä¡Ã§ ¸¸ÇÑ, µÎµå·¯Áø. (=) recognizable
composed : ħÂøÇÑ
genuinely = honestly
pinch : ...À» ²¿Áý´Ù. / St. Patrick's Day (Irish day, green cloths)
would you mind ~ing?
chunking : All information should be presented in small digestible units. µ¢¾î¸®·Î ÀÚ¸£´Ù
polished : well-prepared, looks perfect
I am on a roll : ź·Â¹Þ´Ù. (=) to get on a roll / -> to get my momentum going.
keep digging at the question : ÆÄÇìÄ¡´Ù.
take a jog : Á¶±ëÇÏ´Ù.
susan is the guinea pig. : example, sample.
deflect : ºñÄÑ°¡´Ù. (ex) The chairman tried to deflect the shareholders criticism.
constraint : ºÎÀÚ¿¬½º·¯¿ò (ex) by constraint ¾ïÁö·Î,without constraint ½º½º·³¾øÀÌ
field : (¹®Á¦ µûÀ§) Àß ´ëóÇÏ´Ù. (ex)  I thought you did an excellent job of fielding questions on Friday!
fluster : ¾ÈÀýºÎÀýÇÏ´Ù. (ex) you didn't seem at all flustered.
have bags under one¡¯s eyes ÁöÄ£ °Íó·³ º¸ÀÌ´Ù.
consonat(ÀÚÀ½) <-> vowel(¸ðÀ½)
attention getters : ÁÖ¸ñ¹Þ´Â »ç¶÷[°Í].
blurb : ¼±Àü¹®
There must be a better way..

(Communication : Paige Progar-Jaumann)

patronize = (1) visit, be customer of  (2) treat so like they are children. (very negative)
KFC muscled its way to the top of the Japanese fast-food industry : = aggressively pushed
It now outranks the econimies of many nations : = is larger than
crispy : crunchy coating(¹Ù»è¹Ù»èÇÑ)
side dish : ¹ÝÂù.
put out = release / fire / extinguish
streptococcus = strep. : ¿¬¼â±¸±Õ(ææáðϹж). (ex) a strep throat(ÆÐÇ÷¼º Àεο°), a strep infection.
glucose : Æ÷µµ´ç
Insulin : Daily insulin injections are necessary for some diabetics.
sudafed (past) presciption (now) O.T.C(ovet the counter)
pseu¡¤do¡¤e¡¤phed¡¤rine[su:ouifedrin] : ÄÚ ÃæÇ÷ Á¦°ÅÁ¦
methamphetimine : ÇÊ·ÎÇÉ
lethal = fatal
ethic(=ethical), ethnic(=cultural)
intruder : ħÀÔÀÚ
grazing :  ¸ñÃà, ¸ñÀå
cooped up : because of sick, weather, accident
war-mongering / peace-mongering
hearth-breaking : °¡½¿ÀÌ ¹Ì¾îÁú µíÇÑ
breath-taking : ´«ÀÌ Àý·Î ÈÖµÕ±×·¹Áö´Â (ex) breath-taking GrandCanyon view.
stunning : a stunning supermodel(positive) cf) stunned : (negative)
P.C(PC) : Politically Correct, Political Correctness (ex) people of color > colored people
They took the wind out of my sail : ÀÇÇ¥¸¦ Â´Ù
I've got the wind behind my sail : ź·Â ¹Þ´Ù.
»óÇÏ´Ù : bread-stale, milk(go bad, sour), meat/vegetable/fruit(it spoils)
ÂÊÆÈ·Á : i am losing my face.
ÀÇ¿åÀÌ ÀÖ´Â : eager -> They were young, eager, and have some impressive experience.
diagonal : ´ë°¢¼±
road is like grid <-> road is wiggly.
stomack rumbles : ¹è°¡ ²¿¸£¶ô ²¿¸£¶ô °Å¸®´Ù.
bail : º¸¼® (from arrest to final judgement)
skim : remove
afterthought : ¹Ý¼º; (ÀÏÀÌ ³¡³­ µÚ¿¡ ³ª´Â) ¶§´ÊÀº »ý°¢[ÁöÇý].
some person tends to flare
i don't have a stong idea

(Business Writing : Christina Brady +303 926 5587 / +303 926 5587 /

e-mail log : e-mail record
blitz e-mail : same message to many people
rectify = correct
to complain(direct, impolite) cf) to make a complaint(indiret, polite)
deliquency :(Àǹ«¡¤Á÷¹«ÀÇ) Ÿ¸, ºÒÀÌÇà, ºÒ¹ý ÇàÀ§ (ex) juvenile delinquency
Not set in stone : (=) flexible
as you pay as you go : Verison mobile phone payment system.
transient : (=) temporary
aggravate : ~À» È­³ª°Ô ÇÏ´Ù
questionable : ¹Ì½É½Àº (ex) Africa, questionable.
beat a dead horse : effort without possible result. ¾µµ¥¾ø´Â ÁþÇÏ´Ù. Á×ÀºÀÚ½Ä ºÒ¾Ë Àâ±â.
synthesize : ÅëÇÕÇÏ´Ù, Á¾ÇÕÇÏ´Ù (ex) synthesize your gathered information into a report.
in spoken english. : ȸȭ¿¡¼­´Â.
by itselt, it is meaningless : ÀÌ°Í ÀÚü¸¸À¸·Î´Â Àǹ̰¡ ¾ø´Ù.
from Korea / from the USA. : The US police system is quiet differnet from Korea's / or that of Korea.
The main reason for global wariming is CO2.
Plane/train/bicycle : get on <-> get off
bus/car : get in <-> get out of.

(Structure : Michael )

sleep in (positive) I like to sleep in on sunday mornings. cf) oversleep (negative)
I am tired of working (mind=lose interset) cf) I am tired from working (body=be exhausted)
A nightingale is known for its beautiful song (À¯¸íÇÑ) cf) A tree is known by its fruit.
Why are you sneaking around?
I break into the concert hall by bribing doorman.
It used to be really really easy.
"There, but for the grace of God, go I"(more compassionate) (=) I am glad i wans't him(Elvis Presley)
I am too worried to think straight : ³í¸®Á¤¿¬ÇÏ°Ô »ý°¢ÇÏ´Ù.
I suggest going to bed (suggest + gerund)
require, advice, encourge, urge, allow, permit, +gerung or +n+infinitives.
chubby : a little bit extra weight(ÅëÅëÇÑ) cf) obese ºñ¸¸ÀÇ <-> skinny
FYI(For your information) list cf)YMK(You must know) list.
lopsided : ÀϹæÀûÀÎ (ex) a lopsided victory/score = very uneven
blackmarket : ¾Ï½ÃÀå (ex) smuggling on the blackmarket.
We want to thaw international relations b/w US and China.(melt:x) / thaw frozen meat with microwave oven. (melt:O)
daydreaming : °ø»ó
frantic : (=) crazy
Threat : Çù¹Ú cf) thread : ½Ç
fake leather, counterfeit passport
R&B (Rhythem and Blues)
tote bag : ÇÚµå¹é º¸´Ù Å©°í ¹è³¶º¸´Ù ÀÛÀº °¡¹æ (tote=carry)
sitcom = situation comedy
picky : (Ú¸±¸¾î) ¸÷½Ã º°³ª°Ô[²Ò±î´Ù·Ó°Ô]±¸´Â.
cranky : (¾ÆÀÌ)¶¯±øºÎ¸®´Â(=) irritable, hard to please, grumpy(³ëÀÎ) (ex) Sooah was cranky all day long cf)grumpysince she was sick.
whine : (=) speaking with unhappy way Åõ´ú´ë´Ù. ¡¡°Å¸®´Ù.
moan : (=) just sound or voice with no speaking ½ÅÀ½ÇÏ´Ù. (ex)¾Æħ¿¡ Âî»ÑµÕÇÒ ¶§.
Korea baseball team beat the Japan (=) Korea baseball team won against/over the Japan.
a blizzard : ´«º¸¶ó.
sober <-> drunken cf) sobriety
teetotaler : never drink alcohol
alcoholism : ¾ËÄÚ¿Ã Áßµ¶
chips and dip
skid (car) / slip (oil, ice, banana) / slide
friction ¸¶Âû
traction Á¤Áö¸¶Âû :
           (¹°¸®) ÇÑ ¹°Ã¼¸¦ ±× ³õÀÎ ¸éÀ» µû¶ó ¿òÁ÷ÀÌ·Á ÇÒ ¶§ ÁÖ¾îÁø ÈûÀÇ ¹Ý´ë ¹æÇâÀ¸·Î ¿îµ¿À» ÀúÁöÇÏ·Á´Â ÀúÇ×·ÂÀÌ »ý±â´Â Çö»ó. <-> ¿îµ¿¸¶Âû
stuge = stupid person
magician : ¸¶¹ý»ç (¹ßÀ½, ¾×¼¾Æ®)
suit yourself : ³× ¸¾´ë·Î Çϼ¼¿ä.
binoculars : ½Ö¾È°æ cf) telescope õü¸Á¿ø°æ, microscope Çö¹Ì°æ
glare : ´«ºÎ½É cf) Because of glare, i spread the visor(Â÷¾çÆÇ)
Oxymoron : ¸ð¼ø ¾î¹ý (ex) It was a deafening silence / Rap music is an oxymoran.
onomatopoeia : ÀǼº¾î (sound=meaning) (ex) buzz, crack, honk(°æÀû¼Ò¸®)
osmosis : »ïÅõ¾Ð
tonsil : Æíµµ½Ç
rhyme : (½Ã µî) ¿î (ex) love dove, where there, etc.
sanity : Á¦Á¤½Å (ex) keep your sanity Á¤½Å Â÷·Á.
I said to my wife(x), I told my wife(o)

cross-eyed : (ex) people next to you is corss-eyed.
twiddlethumbs : ¼Õ°¡¶ôÀ» À̸®Àú¸® ºñƲ´Ù.
sometimes : (=)occassionally cf) sometime = one day.
flip a coin. Heads or Tales?
toss a coin : (=)without taking.
let's draw (straws) for it?
spin the bottle/pen :
astroturf : ÀÎÁ¶ Àܵð(plastic grass)
we are unionzed
souvenir : ±â³äÇ°
premium : my monthly regular payment
co-pay : deduct
arbitration : ÁßÀç
oscillate the fan!!
adjustment : (ex) adjustible oscillating fan.
hernia : Å»Àå(÷­íó).
get ahead of :  ¡²°æÀïÀÚ µûÀ§¡³¸¦ ¾ÕÁö¸£´Ù(surpass),¡¦À» ´É°¡ÇÏ´Ù(outdo)
miscellaneous things : misc. / unrelated, various, mixed things.
buyout : (±â¾÷¡¤ÁÖ½Ä µûÀ§ÀÇ) ¸Å¼ö(Øââ¥), °æ¿µ±Ç Àå¾Ç.
arthroscopic : °üÀý°æ °Ë»ç¹ýÀÇ
ºü»èÇÑ : He is savvy. (=) understands completely
Àçä±â : sneezing  cf) ±âħ : cough
ÇÏÇ° : yawn.
allegen : ¾Ë·¹¸£±â Ç׿ø
pollen : ²É°¡·ç. (cf : Merlyn said 'curtain')
seam : ÀÌÀºÀÚ¸® / crease : ÁÖ¸§ / cuff : (¿ÍÀ̼ÅÃ÷)¼Ò¸ËºÎ¸®, (¹ÙÁö ³¡) Á¢´Ü -> handcuffs, cufflinks
cramp :  °æ·Ã, Áã / charleyhorse ¡¶Ú¸±¸¾î¡· (±ÙÀ°ÀÇ ÇǷο¡ ÀÇÇÑ) ÆÈ¡¤´Ù¸®ÀÇ °æÁ÷, Áã / spasm <ÀÇÇÐ> °æ·Ã, Áã
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) : ¾Ë¹è±â´Â °Í
(ex) stomack cramp / muscle spasm /
a wad of money
A.K.A : (=) Also Known AS
Spring Fever : Ãá°ï
on a scale of one to ten (10À» ÃÖ°í·Î ÇÏ¿©) 1ºÎÅÍ 10ÀÇ Ã´µµ·Î.
°£Áö·³ : tickling
¹Ìdz : breeze
interim housing : ¿©¸§¹æÇÐ ¶§ ´ëÇбâ¼÷»ç »ç¿ëÇÏ´Â °Í.
laser surgery : lazor cf) razor : ¸éµµ±â
cleats : (~s) (±¸µÎâÀÇ) ¹Ì²ô·³¸·ÀÌ Â¡[°í¹«, °¡Á×],  soccer cleats, baseball cleats, golf cleats
hocky puck : <¾ÆÀ̽ºÇÏÅ°¡µ ÆÜ, (¾ÆÀ̽ºÇÏÅ° ½ºÆ½)
do/perform an autopsy in a morgue : autopsy(ºÎ°Ë), morgue(¿µ¾È½Ç)
rabies : ±¤°ßº´
mismatch : ¦¦ÀÌ
buffalo(bison) meat is very lean(»ìÄÚ±âÀÇ, »ìÄÚ±â=the lean)
funnel : ±ò¶§±â(ºÎ¾ý, ½ÇÇè½Ç), cornicle : »ï°¢»Ô
alley : °ñ¸ñ, µÞ°ñ¸ñ (behind the IEC : no street number)
prune : °¡ÁöÄ¡±â, ÀÚµÎ
sway : Èçµé¸®´Ù.
mucus : Ä๰ cf) bugger: ÄÚµüÁö
panhandle : ±¸°ÉÇÏ´Ù cf) panhandler : °ÅÁö
cellar = basement
wind chimes : michale Áý â¹®..
photographic memories : »ý»ýÇÑ ±â¾ï
SCUBA : Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
Con artist : »ç±â²Û.
scofflaw : The person who breaks the law willingly, purposely, and knowingly.
denverboot : µ§¹ö Á·¼â(ÁÖÂ÷ À§¹ÝÂ÷ ¹ÙÄû Á·¼â).
unconditional : wihtout condition.
military <-> civilian.
³«¼­ : graffiti
Being dead 'is no excuse'
tip (=) gratuity
He is a good/bad sport :
If the ground is saturated, the rain flows to the downtown.
powder snow <-> water-content snow.
(parenthsis) {[bracket]}
plumber : ¹è°ü
¹è°íÆÄ Á×°Ú¾î : i am starving(a little exaggeration)
¸ñ¸»¶ó Á×°Ú¾î : i am dying of thirst.
À̵¿½Ä ³­·Î : auxiliary heater
When pigs fly : That thing will never happen.
metaphysics(metaphysical, adv) <-> physical science(physical, adv)
stock up : buy what you need and extra one.
patronizing = snobby(more negative)
alibi : ¾Ë¸®¹ÙÀÌ.
anonymous : À̸§À» ¹àÈ÷Áö ¾Ê´Â
quorum : Á¤Á·¼ö
evade : (=)deflect
a bolt of lightening
a clap of thunder
eavesdrop : on purpose µµÃ»/°¨Ã»ÇÏ´Ù. cf) overhear : accidently ¿³µè´Ù. -> He is a peeping Tom.
go bankrupt : ÆÄ»êµÇ´Ù.
pull one's legs : tease/kidding (³î¸®´Ù)
Hurricane will come ashore here : »ó·úÇÏ´Ù.
I meant to say 'monday'
I got a score of 100 at the quiz.
It's a hassle. Don't hassle me.
Roller coaster : ±Þ°ÝÇÑ º¯È­, ±Þµî ±Þ¶ô
Sunscreen : ÇÞºµÅ¸±â ¹æÁöÁ¦(ð¥); ¼±½ºÅ©¸° ·Î¼Ç[Å©¸²].
such a big deal
ecstatic :


I am forgiven because you were forsaken / I am accepted because you were condemned
Provocative : ¿­¹Þ°Ô ÇÏ´Â, ÀÚ±ØÀûÀÎ
ecumanical : Ãʱ³ÆÄÀûÀÎ -> ecumanicity
to some extent : ¾î´À Á¤µµ´Â (ex) I like America to some extent
Haves and havenotgs : °¡Áø ÀÚ¿Í °¡ÁöÁö ¸øÇÑ ÀÚ.
living wage : ÃÖÀú»ýÈ°ÀÓ±Ý
color the fish : ¹°°í±â¿¡ »öÄ¥Çضó.
lofty : ³ôÀº (ex) God built the lofty skies
squiggle : °¥°Ü¾´ ±Û¾¾
hang in there : Èû½á. ¿ë¾²´Â ±¸³ª.
welcome to keep : °¡Á®µµ ÁÁ¾Æ.


spiky : »ßÁ×»ßÁ×ÇÑ (ex) spiky hair
tummy : (±¸¾î,¾î¸°À̸») ¹è
overdue : ±âÇÑÀÌ Áö³­ (ex) An overdue bill was found in his wallet.
mustache : ÄÚ¹Ø ¼ö¿° (cf) beard Åμö¿°
ÁÖ»ç±â(¾Æ±âµé ÀÔÀ¸·Î ¾à¸ÔÀÌ´Â °Í, °æ±¸º¹¿ë) : dropper, oral syringe
alternating tylenol and motrin.
awesome(positive) aweful(negative)
´ç¿¬ÇÏ´Ù. : It is no wonder(quiet natural, proper) that
¸¹ÀÌ µå¼¼¿ä. : help yourself
Clifford is too small to fetch a ball. (=) bring back
Clifford found a sunggly comfortable room to sleep. ¾Æ´ÁÇÏ°Ô
±×µé ±âÁØÀ¸·Î : by their standard
°æ»ç : slant
³ª Àâ¾ÆºÁ¶ó : come and take me! I am chasing you..
ÀԾ·¡? would you wear them?
¼¼Àý±â/¼¼´Ü±â : shredder
¿¹Á¤ÀÏÀÌ ¾ðÁ¦¼¼¿ä? when is your due? what is your due date?
ÇàÁÖ : rag(s)
Á¢ÂøÁ¦, ¾Æ¿¬, ºÙÀÌ´Ù. : glue.
ÈäÅÍ : scar cf)stitch : ÇѹٴÃ(¼ö¼ú, ¶ß°³Áú)
That can be good, but that can be bad. They are snobby. They look down on people.
snobby : »ý»ö³»´Â speak in a snobby / superior manner
Preview(¿¹½À) <-> Review(º¹½À)
º¸¿ÏÇÏ´Ù : complement
metrologist µµ·®ÇüÇÐÀÚ
spring is here º½ÀÌ ¿Ô´Ù.
spring cold ²É»ùÃßÀ§
disposable : ÀÏȸ¿ë (ex) a ~ towel ÀÏȸ¿ë Ÿ¿ù.
~Çصµ ¼Ò¿ë¾ø´Ù : There is no use ~ing.
°Ç°­¿¡ º°·Î ÁÁÁö ¾ÊÀº : not-so-healthy.
¹Ù¶÷°³ºñ : pinwheel
Ƽ°¡ ³ì°Ô Çضó : let the tea steep
¿ÏÀüÈ÷ ³ìÃÊ°¡ µÈ : neclear melt down
³Ê±¸¸® : racoon, raccoon
»ó¼¼È÷ Á» ¼³¸íÇØ Áֽðھî¿ä? could you elaborate on the US market?
ÀÚ ´ýº­ºÁ. Çغ¼Å׸é ÇغÁ : make my day.
¿ìȸµµ·Î : detour
¿­¼è¸¦ ÆÄ´Ù : cut the key
Á¤¿øÀ» °¡²Ù´Ù : grow the garden
µµ¶û¹° : ditchwater
ÀÌ°Ô ´õ Àß ¾î¿ï·Á : It fits you better.
²¿Ãß : wingding
greasy = heavy
»ßÁö´Ù : she is mad at me.
¿­±¤ÀûÀ» ÁÁ¾ÆÇÏ´Ù. : she is crazy about me.

  ÃàÇÏÇØ~~ [1]  À¯¿¬Á¤ 06¡¤03¡¤16 3481
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